Ghost: Unable to determine node version in use by systemd

Recently this blog went down for a few days. There were several issues.

  1. mysql update

Somehow the mysql decided to update and ghost was not able to connect to it. Thats how it started. The fix was

2. But then again it ghost was not able to start because of mismatching node versions. Thats a horrible loop with ghost if u have forgot which node version was at the time of installation.

- ghost uses the global installation of node that is accessible by systemd. You wont notice if u go with the normal installtion process. But years later when it says to update ghost. You will be asked to update node version or will say the node version is not supported. Now while I am writing this nvm is used to managae multiple versions of node. Funnily enough ghost has problems with nvm.


In the systemd you can fix the path and start Ghost again.

If you are able to read this. I had lost hope in setting this back online. The last moment when I thought to start fresh deleting the mysql and ghost. In the last chance the steps fell into place.

